Module 6: Gastroenterology/ Hepatology

Sex and gender differences affect several diseases of the gastrointestinal system. Examples of different nature and pathogenesis of gastrointestinal (GI) tract diseases are presented in this module. Autoimmune-, infectious-, functional-, mechanical- and multifactorial conditions will allow for the exploration of a large spectrum of possible mechanisms. Sexual hormones interact with the muscles and glands in the gastrointestinal system and modulate digestive functions as well as processing and storage mechanisms within the liver. Several of these differences become especially apparent during pregnancy. Most research about physiological sex differences in gastroenterology has been conducted twenty to thirty years ago and more recent and complex data are needed.
Use this module to explore the relationship between gender, work, environmental factors and health.


Author: Ute Seeland
Expert: PD Dr. med. Andrea Riphaus 

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